

Hi, I’m John Nicholas and I want to help you conquer your debt

And I guarantee I will help you do it!

How?  Let me explain, after a quick introduction. 

As you can see here, I’m the author of Debt-Free ASAP!  It’s the recent Amazon #1 New Release book that explains how to know your options, create a plan and start changing your life within 48 hours.

My background is a blend of victory and defeat.  I’ve built award-winning sports media and real estate companies worth millions but I’ve also been jobless, broke and buried in debt.  So I know how it feels, how it can happen to anyone and how to recover in a variety of ways.

I’ve also worked inside the debt-relief industry where I learned how to avoid the most common mistakes, scams and cookie-cutter programs – and why debt programs fail for so many people!  (I’ll tell you why in a moment.)

That’s why I left that field shaking my head…only to return with a simple yet powerful way to help anyone struggling with debt.

I present that simple 3-step approach in my book.

           Naturally, I encourage you to buy and read this book, which is now specially discounted on Amazon, in both the Kindle/eBook and paperback versions. 


           You can also watch my free fast-track video course at www.FreeDebtVideo.com if you would rather watch a video than read a book. 

This video runs 38 minutes, which is probably shorter than your favorite TV show, yet it covers most of the highlights and information in my book.

           Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee the book or video will fix your finances.

Why not?  Because even though they’ll both give you everything you need to succeed, including free tools and resources to get you going, it’s still up to you to make it happen, 100%. 

And that’s why most people struggle to do anything deeply life-changing; whether it’s diet, exercise, debt-recovery or other transformations.

It’s hard to go it alone and succeed by yourself.  This is the biggest reason debt programs fail. 


         Thankfully, I can and do guarantee my personal assistance because I know it will dramatically boost your odds for success.  But it will cost you. 

It won’t cost you much, however, thanks to a special discount I’m offering for a limited time to my book readers, video watchers and to you reading this right now.

           Here’s the deal.

           If you would like my help, instead of trying to do everything yourself, I am offering a special low-cost consultation and support plan at www.MyDebtConsult.com

This plan allows me to personally guide you through the 3-steps outlined in my book.  And those three steps are:

STEP #1:  Assess Your Situation by taking an honest look at everything from your various account balances to your monthly income and expenses and more – including other pressure points or life issues that affect your situation.

           STEP #2: Review Your Options by looking at the most proven and popular recovery approaches, including how they work and their pros and cons, so you can select the best one for your unique situation.  These options include everything from old-school payoff plans to consolidation, hardship programs, settlements and more.

STEP #3: Create a Plan with whatever support you need to succeed. Just like diet and exercise programs, the X-factor for success often depends on having both expert and personalized support.


My Personal Consultation & Support Plan is based on a limited-time $50 discount toward my already low consultation rate of $147, thus reducing your total cost to $97.  Yes, this means you’ll get my time, attention, personal support and financial expertise for less than a hundred dollars.

And here’s how it will work.

1-    I will personally review your information from an online questionnaire you’ll complete as part of your sign-up.  This will help me understand your financial and overall life situation and prepare the best questions, notes and directions for our hour-long consultation.

2-    I will consult with you by phone or Zoom call for one hour on the day and time you select when you submit your order and questionnaire.  We’ll discuss your situation, your options and the best possible plan for you. After we talk, I will send you my follow-up notes, comments and next-step reminders.

3-    I will then call you a week later at a mutually agreed upon time, to check your progress and offer encouragement.  I will also give you unlimited email access to reach me any time with any questions you have along the way.  You will also receive my weekly ‘Debt Free Forever’ email messages as well as any other support group events or opportunities that arise. 

This kind of personal consultation, access and ongoing support can forever change your outlook, your finances and your future.

My guarantee is simple:  If you’re not 100% satisfied with my assistance for any reason, I’ll return your money – 100%.  The only exception is if you fail to show up for a scheduled consultation without giving prior notice. 


           I guarantee you won’t find anything like me or my offer anywhere else.

So, if you’re ready to conquer your debt, repair your finances and regain your hope for a brighter future, then it’s time to take action.  This is not the time to delay, dawdle, procrastinate or say, “Maybe later.” 

If you want to conquer your debt quickly, then it’s time to jump through this window of opportunity, while it’s open in front of you.

           You can launch your recovery today, right now.  And I look forward to helping you do it. 

Go to www.MyDebtConsult.com and let’s get working to set you free, ASAP!

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