Order Your Consultation Here
There’s nothing more valuable or encouraging than a fresh set of eyes to help you assess your situation, review your options and create a successful debt-recovery plan – especially when they belong to America’s breakthrough debt-recovery coach.
Your Personal Consultation with John is 100% Guaranteed and Here’s How it Works:
- Your SS# and bank/CC account numbers are NOT requested or needed to complete the questionnaire.
- Prior to your consultation John will study your information to formulate questions and guidance. Once connected he will discuss your circumstances and options with you and help you create a personalized plan of action. After your consultation John will send you a summary report with important notes, reminders and next steps, including a 5-10 minute Follow-up Coaching Call seven days later, at a mutually agreed upon time.
- In addition to the 7-day Follow-up call you will enjoy unlimited Q&A email support for 12 months, with easy options for extended or additional support.
- The one-hour consultation normally costs $247. But as a Free Video-watcher you get a $150 discount that reduces your consultation to just $97 - and it includes a free eBook/PDF copy of Debt-Free ASAP!
- Please note the 100% Satisfaction guarantee will be waived by clients who fail to show up for scheduled consultations or follow-up calls without prior notification.